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Category: Eye Care

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Introducing the Firefly Digital Slit Lamp Imaging System

We are proud to announce we can now use the Firefly Digital Slit Lamp Imaging System to show you more about the health of your eyes.  

As a patient, you can expect to learn a lot about your eyes with these detailed images! Using this device, we will give you a tour of your eyes through pictures and videos that can help you become well-informed about your eye health. […]

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MYAH Myopia Screening

Do you worry about your kids’ eyes? Do they spend many hours on screens? Bring your kids in for a MYAH Myopia Screening! Dr. B. Kapoor We are proud to announce new technology in our office called Topcon Myah Axial Length and Corneal Topography! We are committed to keeping our kids healthy so please ensure: […]

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IPL Treatment for Dry Eye

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light, and is a light-based technology commonly used in dermatology for hair removal, treat acne, reduce redness, and improve the look of the skin, as well as treat rosacea and reduce telangiectasia (irregular blood vessels on the skin). Research has proven that IPL is also effective for reducing dry eye […]

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TearScience’s LipiFlow, also known as thermal pulsation, was the first device aimed specifically at MGD-related evaporative dry eye. It combines heat with physical massage to liquefy and express the meibomian gland contents in an effort to get the lipid layer of the ocular surface back to normal again. […]

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